March 1, 2012

Sometimes it hurts to breathe...

It begins at birth
Ends at death
I love my life
In and out
I hate my life
Up and down
To live and let live
It is all the same
Until one day
It is no more

Most days I can get through the day and not think of you. I don't rehash the moments and wonder what could have been. Your genuine smile, ability to make me frustrated and elated at once, quiet confidence, and knack for knowing how to push me towards my best even when I couldn't see it.

Most days I don't think about any of these things until the lights go out, the world goes silent, and I am only left with my rambling mind. The mind that always brings me back to you. And then I have to remember to keep breathing.

To no one except to you I say, Until Next Time,


If there is someone who you can't stop thinking about and they make your day brighter, let them know now. Not tomorrow, not when the timing is better, and not when you're drunk. Let them know how you feel now. They will thank you and you will breathe easier afterwards.

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