Have you ever experienced a regular day but viewed it as magical almost surreal? Like you've traveled into a different dimension and looking at the world from a new perspective.
This is what happens to me whenever I have a day off from work that isn't due to sickness, federal holiday, or vacation. Granted, the types of days off I just listed (minus the sickness option) are more fun that having to run weekday errands I can't do during the weekend. Bore.
So, that brings me to my Monday adventures! You would think going through the application, interview, and acceptance process would be enough to attend Optometry school. Nope, you also must provide current, notarized optical, immunization, and total health history records to the school you will be attending in the fall. Totally not a big deal, but with my identity theft paranoia and the fact these forms needed to be notarized I wanted to get these official forms in person. Which therefore meant I had to take a day off work. Score!
Slept in, ate some yummy oatmeal with a pumpkin spice cook (hello, pumpkin is good for you. stop judging), worked out, got soaked in the rain as I ran around town getting these forms completed, and had just enough time to grab a Chai tea.
However, it was probably around the time between being completely drenched and wrapping my hands around the warm mug that I was hit with a realization. There is a whole other culture that exists outside of the work day. Yeah, I know there are people who are out of work, don't work, or can't work, but as a working person I often forget about the daily opportunities I don't have access to because I am at work. Therefore, when I do have access to taking the time to simply sit down and enjoy a cup of tea I become a giddy kid again. These tiny moments seem insignificant to a person who has the day off, but make a random day magical to me. When I notice these happy moments I wonder, is anyone else thinking the exact same thing as me right now? Do they know how lucky they are to be in a magical moment?
And then I think, 'magical moment, really?' I swear, it was only Chai.
However, those people who aren't working would probably be giddy to spend a day with a job. I guess we all want to put on rose tinted glasses and view our worlds in a brighter way than they really are.
In the mean time, I at least am one step closer to Optometry school!
Until Next Time,